Thursday, January 6, 2011
Tweet Joseph Gibson, author of A Better Congress: Change the Rules, Change the Results: A Modest Proposal – Citizen’s Guide to Legislative Reform, begins his book with the assertion that Congress does not work well and that the incentives that drive the members of Congress are the problem. Very few people would likely disagree with […]
Tweet State of Denial: Bush at War, Part III by Bob Woodward is a definitive break from his two previous Bush at War books which we reviewed here and here. Finally, instead of being a dispassionate chronicler, Woodward takes a critical look at the bungled Iraq War. Bungled is an understatement as Woodward illustrates gross […]
Monday, December 27, 2010
Tweet Plan of Attack: The Definitive Account of the Decision to Invade Iraq by Bob Woodward is the second installment of Woodward’s Bush at War series and picks up where Bush at War left off, that is after the initial entry into Afghanistan and prior to the Iraq War. Plan of Attack focuses mainly on […]
Monday, November 29, 2010
Tweet Bob Woodward set out to write about George W. Bush’s first year as President, covering his tax cuts and domestic agenda, but when September 11th happened it changed the focus of his book. Instead Woodward covered the Administration after 9/11 occurred and their implementation of the War on Terror, specifically on the Afghanistan front. […]
Monday, November 15, 2010
Tweet Realize: When George W. Bush was elected as President he had no prior foreign policy experience and frequently bumbled on naming other foreign leaders. Not only did Bush have no experience, he also did not have a basic rudimentary conception about America’s role in the world or specific foreign policy other than his campaign […]
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Tweet It’s always fascinating to look at history and events by examining what was being said at the time. So often, most of the historical accounts and research is written with hindsight but without balancing out what the general thoughts, regardless of how varied they may be, at the moment were. My decision, in 2010, […]
Tweet This was a slight let down because I thought it would be more revelatory. If you followed the campaigns relatively closely, like we all did, then most of this was not mind blowing. It does give a little behind the scenes perspective which reveals the true personalities of the candidates and their staff. The […]
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Tweet If there is one area in the political and legal realm where the average US citizen is more inept than normal it is most likely International Law. Most still struggle with understanding or even memorizing the Bill of Rights let alone bothering with the UN Charter. Fortunately Michael Byers has produced an excellent book, […]
Tweet Interventions by Noam Chomsky is a compilation of selected Chomsky articles from 2002 up to 2006. All articles were syndicated by the NY Times Syndicate but rarely ever published in the United States, as most of the mainstream media would consider Chomsky’s views too dissident. If you’ve read the author’s prior works then you […]